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(Solved): Please do parts labeled TODO /** * LinkedList.java * * Replace all //TODO tags with your code ...

Please do parts labeled TODO


* LinkedList.java


* Replace all //TODO tags with your code


* Note that below the "//TODO" tag there may be

* something like "return null;", "return 0;", etc.

* That line is just "stubbed in" so the class

* will compile. When you add your code (one or many

* statements), you will want to delete the "stubbed" line.

* By "stubbed in" we mean "mocked" or "faked in" temporarily.


* When testing, construct using the static factory methods:




package model.list;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import java.util.function.BiFunction;

import java.util.function.Consumer;

import java.util.function.Function;

import model.linearpub.DynamicList;

import model.linearpub.StructureIterator;

//This class is NOT java.util.LinkedList

public class LinkedList<E> implements DynamicList<E> {


// Instance Variables

//TODO - declare instance variable(s)


// Private Constructor

/** Constructs and returns new LinkedList (no args constructor) */

private LinkedList() {


//-------------------- List Statistics ---------------------


* Return number of elements in this list.



public int size() {


return 0;



* Return true is this list contains no elements.



public boolean isEmpty() {


return false;


//------------------ Accessing Elements --------------------


* Return element at given index.

* Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if passed index is invalid.



public E get(int index) {


return null;



* Return first element

* Throws RuntimeException if list is empty



public E first() {


return null;



* Return last element

* Throws RuntimeException if list is empty



public E last() {


return null;



* Return a new list containing the elements of this list

* between the given index "start" (inclusive) and

* the given index "stop" (exclusive).

* Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if either passed index is invalid.



public DynamicList<E> subList(int start, int stop) {


return null;



* Return index of first matching element (where searchFct outputs true)

* Return -1 if no match

* Example usage (first list of integers, then employees):

* index = list.find(eaInteger -> eaInteger == 10);

* index = employeeList.find(employee -> employee .getFirstName().equals("Kofi"));



public int findFirst(Function<E, Boolean> searchFct) {


return 0;



* Return index of last matching element (where searchFct outputs true)

* E.g., if searching for employee with name "Kofi" and there is a match

* at index=3 and index=8, findLast will return 8 (the last matching index).

* Hint: start search at end of list and work backwards through list.

* Return -1 if no match



public int findLast(Function<E, Boolean> searchFct) {


return 0;


//------------------- Setting Elements ---------------------


* Insert passed arg "newElem" into position "index"

* Return previous (replaced) elem at "index"

* Valid "index" values are between 0 and "size - 1"

* If "index" is invalid, throws IndexOutOfBoundsException.



public E set(int index, E newElem) {


return null;


//------- Inserting, Appending & Replacing Elements --------

//------------------ (Dynamic Behaviors) ------------------


* Add the passed element to start of list



public void addFirst(E newElem) {




* Add the passed element to end of list



public void addLast(E newElem) {




* Alias for "addLast" (same functionality)



public void add(E newElem) {




* Add all elements from "otherDynList" into "this" list



public void addAll(DynamicList<E> otherDynList) {




* Add all elements from passed fixed array "this" list



public void addAll(E[] array) {




* Shift to the right the element currently at "insertIndex" (if any) and all elements to the right

* Insert passed arg "newElem" into position "insertIndex"

* Valid "insertIndex" values are between 0 and "size"

* If index = "size" then it becomes a simple "add" operation

* If "insertIndex" is invalid, throws IndexOutOfBoundsException



public void insert(int insertIndex, E newElem) {



//------------------- Removing Elements --------------------

//------------------ (Dynamic Behaviors) ------------------


* Remove first element

* Return removed element

* Throws RuntimeException if list is empty



public E removeFirst() {


return null;



* Remove last element

* Return removed element

* Throws RuntimeException if list is empty



public E removeLast() {


return null;



* Reset the list so it is empty.

* If list is already empty, then do nothing

* No action is performed on the elements.




public void removeAll() {




* Remove elem at index

* Return the removed element

* Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if passed index is invalid.



public E removeIndex(int index) {


return null;



* Remove first matching element (where searchFct outputs true)

* Return the removed element

* If no match, return null



public E removeFirstMatching(Function<E, Boolean> searchFct) {


return null;


//----------------- Convenience Methods ------------------

/** Return this list as array

* This method requires imports of:

* java.lang.reflect.Array;

* java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;




public E[] toArray() {

//This method is completed (no work needed)

if (this.isEmpty())

return (E[]) Array.newInstance(Object.class, 0);

StructureIterator<E> iter = this.iterator();

E[] array = (E[]) Array.newInstance(iter.peek().getClass(), this.size());

AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);

this.forEach((each) -> array[counter.getAndIncrement()] = each);

return array;



* Returns one-line user-friendly message about this object

* Helpful method especially for debugging.



public String toString() {


return null;


/** Prints all elements to console, with newline after each */


public void printAll() {



/** Iterates over elements in "this" object. For each element,

* performs actionFct (passing element being iterated on)

* The generic type "? super E" means some type that is

* a superclass of E (inclusive)



public void forEach(Consumer<? super E> actionFct) {



/** Return new list that is "this" list joined

* with "otherList" list (this list's elements are

* first followed by the "otherList" list)



public DynamicList<E> join(DynamicList<E> otherList) {


return null;


//----------------- Utility Methods ------------------


* Returns new DynamicList with "new elements". Each new element

* is generated from mapFct invoked with an element from

* this list.



public <T> DynamicList<T> map(Function<E, T> mapFct) {


return null;



* Returns new DynamicList containing only elements that

* result in true when applied to selectFct

* Returns new DynamicList which is elements

* selected from this list via selectFct



public DynamicList<E> select(Function<E, Boolean> selectFct) {


return null;



* Returns new DynamicList which is this list

* with elements rejected via rejectFct



public DynamicList<E> reject(Function<E, Boolean> rejectFct) {


return null;


/** Accumulate a value by iterating over the collection

* and accumulating during iteration.

* E.g., accumulate a "sum", or accumulate

* a new collection which is the accumulation

* of sub-collections obtained from elements (think

* of accumulating all players in a league by

* accumulating the players from each team



public <T> T accumulate(BiFunction<T, E, T> fct, T initialValue) {


return null;



// Public Constructors (Static Factory Constructor Methods)

// These two methods are completed for you

/** Return a new empty LinkedList */

public static <T> DynamicList<T> newEmpty() {

return new LinkedList<>();


/** Return a new LinkedList that contains all elements from the

* param "aFixedArray" */

public static <T> DynamicList<T> from(T[] aFixedArray) {

DynamicList<T> list = LinkedList.newEmpty();

for (T nextNewElem: aFixedArray)


return list;



/*TODO - helper methods (optional -- coder's choice)

Helper method simply means any methods you

add (your choice) to make coding easier (i.e.,

methods that "help" other methods by doing some

of the work. The other methods call the "helper




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Here's the completed code for the LinkedList class with the TODO sections filled in:package model.list;import model.linearpub.DynamicList;import java.
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